The Superegg
It’s back, and bigger than ever. Available in Copper, Steel & Titanium.

We take great pride in designing products with exceptional craftsmanship and meticulous attention to the details.
Some Features
Follow us on Instagram, @AltDynamic
We are very active on Instagram and can usually be contacted there. We sometimes announce new projects or tease future ones there too.
The Twisted Swiss Cube
The first of its kind, CNC Machined.

The Torus
Machined from Titanium and Stainless Steel

Linne Crater Moonscape
The ultimate machined lunar topographical model, derived from NASA satellite data

Truncated Icosahedron
A titanium & steel wireframe model

Titanium & Mini
Solid of Constant Width

Sculpted Legend Speedform
Inspired by the Porsche 911

Pen Stand
Excessively machined for pen enthusiasts. The ultimate home for your pens.

The Buckyball
A carbon fiber model of the C60 molecule

The Superegg
A 1960s Design Icon Returns

The HexaSphericon
Twist and Roll

The Tesseract
A Glimpse of 4D Hyperspace

The Sphere

da Vinci’s Dodecahedron
His 15th century sketch reimagined

Möbius Strip
A single sided, continuous surface reimagined

Moment Spinner
A Perfectly Balanced 1-Spoke flywheel

Solid of Constant Width

Where art and math collide.
Qubit Spinner
An elegant, CNC machined, minimalist pocket sculpture with tungsten carbide and stainless steel accents.
The Vortex is a bead and miniature spin station! Designed to look exceptional on any keychain or lanyard, yet also functional with a concave face for spinning tops. Machined from titanium and Damascus titanium.

We help brands develop new concepts, and re-amp current ones.